Proven Methodology: Learn from Jia Jiang's personal journey and extensive research on overcoming rejection.
Action-Oriented Learning: Apply practical, hands-on challenges designed to build resilience and turn theory into practice.
Lifetime Access: Gain ongoing support and revisit the course material anytime for continuous growth and reinforcement.
Go From Fearful to Invincible in 30 Days
Transform Your Fear of Rejection into a Superpower with Our 30-Day Digital Course
The Difference
Two young people graduated from the same school. Although they were one year apart, they were both full of ambitions and dreams of becoming entrepreneurs. They were both full of creativity and potential. They wanted to make a difference in this world, making sure their lives and existence weren’t meaningless. They were both introverts and had a history of rejections.
One person was so painfully afraid of rejection that he was crippled by that fear. One day, he wanted to get a raise at work and was sure he deserved one. However, before he had the courage to ask his boss, he was stuck in the restroom, rehearsing the ask in front of the mirror. In his hands was a script from random web pages he googled “how to ask for a raise.”
Things ran wild in his mind:
“What if he thinks I’m a greedy jerk?
What if he says NO?
What if he says YES, but secretly hates me for it and won’t promote me anymore?
What if he fires me on the spot?”
In the wild waves of thoughts and emotions, one idea popped up like a beacon of light.
“How about I don’t ask right now? Let me work a little harder. We will have a product launch soon. If I do a great job, I will earn more praise and recognition from him. Once that opportunity arrives, I will ask. Maybe I won’t even need to bother. He will give me a raise without me even asking! I am sure he will appreciate me even more for not being so intrusive and greedy.”
He grabbed that idea like a drowning person holding onto a straw. It felt so comforting. It felt so right. It felt so relieving.
So the young man didn’t ask. Instead, he put his head down and continued to work hard. That “opportunity” he was hoping for never came. The product launch was mediocre and by no means positioned him to get an automatic raise. He felt even less ready to ask then, so he never did.
The second person, despite all the rejections encountered, had a different mindset...... way different. In fact, this guy had a type of power that the first guy didn’t. It’s called the Power of Rejection.
With that power, he eats rejection for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. He never shies away from asking, and never lets fear dictates his actions. Moreover, he knows how to make friendly, constructive, and fun requests for both parties. If rejected, he knows how to turn NO into YES. Moreover, he knows how to say NO to others in a way that builds their relationships instead of undermining them.
It’s like a superpower.
Like the first person, he was also in a restroom rehearsing lines in front of a mirror. But he wasn’t preparing for an audience of one, and he wasn’t asking for a raise. He was preparing to speak to 1,200 people - to teach them how to overcome the fear of rejection, and to ask for raises, promotions, sales, acceptance, love, and whatever they desire in their lives but don’t have the courage and methods to ask.
A few minutes later, his name was called. He got on stage. He smiled and opened his mouth. The audience’s eyes were wide open and gazed at him. They laughed, clapped, and reflected upon every story he told. They wrote down his teachings and principles. They even texted their loved ones: “This speech is amazing. You’ve got to check this guy out. I’m gonna buy his book and give it to you.”
When the talk was over, they stood up and gave a thundering standing ovation. They lined up for an hour to talk to him, thank him and share their own stories.
From the outside, these two people and their situations were night and day. Their lives were going to have extremely different trajectories and destinations.
But if I were to tell you that these two were the same person, only precisely one year apart in time, would you believe it?
Well, they are. They were me ten and nine years ago.
In fact, it didn’t even take the first me one year to become the second me. It only took 100 days.
What did I learn in that 100 days to gain this power? More importantly, what can you learn so you can gain the Power of Rejection yourself?
This transformation happened in 100 days.
Hi, I’m Jia!
I am a bestselling author of Rejection Proof, TED speaker of What I learned from 100 days of rejection, and owner of Rejection Therapy and DareMe.com.
Ever since I experienced the above transformation, I have devoted my life to researching this subject, so I can help others to do the same. Over 400 organizations such as Google, Stanford University, The United States Marines, and St. Jude Children's Hospital have collectively paid me millions of dollars to train their employees and students to overcome rejection.
Now, I am bringing my training into an online course for you. It will be for only a tiny fraction of the cost. And You don’t even need 100 days. You only need 30 days.
Why the Fear?
Making a tough request is easy, right? Just ask, and let some words fly out of your mouth.
If that’s the case, why is the fear of rejection one of the top fears people have? Why is it so hard to ask for a promotion, close a sale, knock on a stranger’s door, and put yourself out there? Why is your heart pounding so hard, and it feels like life and death?
The answer is not in psychology but in biology and anthropology. In ancient times, our ancestors survived and thrived not because they were the strongest and fastest but because they were blessed with brains and collaboration. They were at the top of the food chain because their teamwork in hunting was unmatched. However, if someone acted up, they would be rejected, ostracized, and on their own. When you were alone, the hunter would become the hunted in no time.
That yearning for acceptance and fear of rejection has been programmed in our DNA ever since because it has kept us safe. So when you are going into a job interview or sales pitch, although you know it’s not life-and-death, it feels like it. Because our DNA was screaming “danger, danger!”
Our work environment has changed.
However, we are not hunting elephants with bows and arrows anymore. We are not fighting armies with spears and swords anymore. Our current work environment requires not only collaboration but also innovation, negotiation, and going against mainstream beliefs. To live a life free from the prison of opinion, you have to do things and ask for things that are not necessarily popular and immediately accepted.
If your work is important and you want to live a meaningful life, you will be rejected over and over. Look at the most impactful and successful figures in the world throughout its history. You see Martin Luther King Jr., Mahatma Gandhi, Abraham Lincoln, and even Steve Jobs…... These people were initially rejected (some violently) by the mainstream power holders and even the majority of the population. They didn’t let others’ rejection define them. They let their own cause and action define themselves. If they followed their DNA’s warning and played it safe, there would be no Civil Rights movement, no peaceful independence, no ending of slavery… and no iPhones.
Now, your life cause might not be history-altering as theirs. Yet, you want to live a meaningful life. You want to impact your own family and community. You want to have a great career, and you want to find love. To quote Steve Jobs, you want to “dent the universe,” no matter how small that universe is.
However, if you don’t actively cultivate the Power of Rejection, and overcome your DNA programming, you will not be able to ask for things when it matters. You will live a life of mediocrity and a path of least resistance. The universe will dent you instead, over and over. When you become old, you are going to have regrets of what-ifs.
“What if I asked for that investment?
What if I asked for my dream job and applied for my dream school?
What if I asked to join the cause I really cared about?
What if I asked to be the leader?
What if I asked her out?
What if I asked it again after getting rejected?
What if I asked it one more time?”
Regret, in the long term, is the consequence of succumbing to fear. It is much, much worse than rejection itself.
The ultimate fate of succumbing to rejection fear
How Do You Develop the Courage?
So now you understand where the fear is coming from. Can you just overcome it?
Only if it were that simple.
Every year, people spend $31B around the globe on personal development products. They buy millions of copies of books. They watch millions of TED talks. Do they really change?
The real answer everyone is afraid of saying out loud: “They don’t.” In fact, people almost never change. Why? Change is hard. Very hard! Because you can’t just change by getting inspiration and information.
You need to take action. Just like you can’t learn to ride a bike by reading a manual or watching a video. You will have to ride the bike, fall, get up and ride again.
Your courage is a mental muscle. You won’t be able to lift the couch simply by commanding your untrained muscle. When the stakes are high, and you haven’t trained your courage muscle, you won’t be able to ask. You will need to exercise your muscle when the stakes are much smaller, and the environment is safer. And you do it incrementally.
I will help you do it step-by-step.
Your courage is a muscle. You need both physical and mental workouts.
Final Arrival of the Well-Deserved Promotion
Carey worked in a big tech firm in Silicon Valley for eight years. She was brilliant and responsible with fantastic coding skills. She delivered all her projects on time and with good quality. Her performance review rating was always above expectations.
Yet, Carey did not get any promotion in EIGHT straight years! Her biggest weakness was communication. As it turned out, she was deeply afraid of rejection. Because of it, she couldn't advocate for herself or her work. She never spoke up in meetings with critical stakeholders. She never requested to have a seat at the table. So to decision makers of Carey's promotion, she was invisible.
I started training Carey with the Power of Rejection exercises. She started small by asking for things like "exchange seats on an airplane" or "ask for a burger refill." Very soon, her confidence level increased, and she became bolder. She started expressing her thoughts in meetings and started initiating and leading projects. The growth was noticeable and fast. She became a leader and got promoted a year later.
What if They Say NO?
Say you’ve gained and exercised the courage to ask, and you did. But you got a NO......
Is the NO still painful?
You bet it is. In fact, according to a study, our brain cannot differentiate physical pain from social pain. So every time we hear the word NO, our body is reacting in a way that we have just been physically hurt.
It’s our DNA doing the work to make us afraid of rejection again. What do you do when you hear the word NO? How do you react?
Well, let me tell you what most people do with the training – fight and flight! We either fight the rejection by becoming emotional and starting to argue with the rejector, chiding her on the mistake she just made. But when your emotions get involved, both of your opinions would get more entrenched. You are actually less likely to convince someone with your argument.
Flight is even worse. Because of the pain of rejection. We want to leave the scene and heal our wound. But when you are running away, not only do you lose the chance to change the rejector’s mind, you will also lose confidence. You turned a defeat into a rout.
So what a trained person would do in the face of rejection? There is a third way - engage and turn a No into a Yes.
Getting Into a Dream School
Jake was a brilliant intern who worked for me while in college. When he decided to go to business school, he applied to five schools - a dream school (Ivy League), two good, and two safety schools. He got accepted by all schools except his dream school.
Most people would be counting their lucky stars and decide on which "good schools" to attend. After all, Ivy League is for the top of the top. The rejection is reasonable. (Flight) Not for Jake, who has gained the Power of Rejection through working with me over the years. He knew he couldn't just give up after a simple NO.
So Jake wrote a letter to the dream school, detailing why he was still a fit. He cited how he would work on his perceived weakness and brought more evidence of his strength.
He used all four principles of handling rejection in that letter. (Engage) It was still a long shot, but it was worth it to Jake.
The school was extremely impressed with Jake's resilience and reasoning. After further review, they admitted him.
Of all the memorable cases I have had helping people turn NO into YES, this one takes the cake. Because it was truly life-changing for someone, I was very close to. It was a demonstration of the Power of Rejection. It’s not just about courage but how you handle rejection in the face of overwhelming odds.
Can you open the doors in life if they are closed?
How to Get More Yes?
Now, what happens after you gain the courage through practices? You can ask anything from anyone anywhere. You also don’t run away from or fight rejections. Now you have the Power of Rejection, right?
Not quite. It is half of the battle, but not the whole battle. You need to learn how to ask. It makes a huge difference.
You might have heard me say that rejection is a number’s game. If you go through enough NOs, it usually becomes a YES. (So don’t run away!) However, can you reduce the number of NOs before you get to YES? Can you find the right way to ask to increase your success rate by, say 10%?
You see, Stephen Curry is universally seen as the best shooter in the history of the NBA. He shoots 3-pointers at 43% accuracy and terrifies the opponents every time he lets it fly in a game. However, if you reduced his accuracy from 43% to 33%, he would become a below-average shooter. Although it is a number game, the number matters in the long run. It can elevate you from a mediocre career to a successful one.
Getting More Yeses from Leads
Della is a recruiter at one of the largest recruiting agencies in Australia.
Recruiting is a tough business that involves sending out hundreds of Linkedin connection requests and inquiries, hoping to land the perfect candidate. After countless rejections, Della said she's numb to them. However, she hates the idea that she was selling something. In her mind, she was bringing great career opportunities to people who should appreciate them. So when she sees rejections or no responses from the
"perfect" candidates she had painstakingly found, she has a sense of loss.
Are there ways to get her a higher response rate?
After the Power of Rejection training, she learned a skill that's wacky and fun. She learned that the best way to sell something is not to sell it but make people buy. She learned how to let people put down their invisible armor of suspicion when approached by strangers. With the Power, she became one of the best recruiters in her firm.
We all get rejected every day, ranging from life-changing to trivial. It’s not about the rejection that matters, it is how we see and handle the rejection that truly matters. It is how winners are made, and champions are built. That’s why I am so passionate about this subject.
That’s why I am here to present to you:
The Power of Rejection
The what and how of handling rejection to live a fear-free life
Everybody is afraid of rejection. Leaders are afraid of being rejected by team members. Professionals are afraid of being rejected with promo/raise/a better job. Parents are afraid of being rejected by their children. Creators are afraid of their work being rejected. Entrepreneurs are afraid of being rejected by users and investors……
Rejection is the self-protection mechanism we develop after layers of social burdens are imposed on us, so much so that we accept the status quo and believe we are not good enough. It’s like you touch the fire once, and you are not going to touch it again. Unlike fire, the avoidance of rejection costs us opportunities in life. Unlike fire, fear of rejection can be overruled and leveraged to better ourselves.
Maybe you are like the younger me; you’ve been searching for solutions to overcome your fear of rejection. You are tired of hiding in your box and not achieving what you set out to do. You’ve read books, attended seminars, listened to talks, bought self-help courses, or even got your own coach. Yet, you are still searching for something that works.
The Power of Rejection is THE solution. I can’t emphasize that enough. It’s not about me convincing you to buy. It’s because I deeply care about you. It hurts me to see our dreams vanish and relationships break because of the fear. I want to help you to change using the course. I’m confident you are going to experience the difference. In fact, I’m going to let you try it out for the next 60 days risk-free. (More on that later.) Let me first walk you through the course.
The Power of Rejection breaks down rejection in the entire end-to-end spectrum. It offers you tools, perspectives, and scripts to work with in every situation, at work, during the hiring process, in a relationship, or all above and more.
The Power of Rejection has no BS, which I hate. The materials covered are based on my research, analysis, and experimentation. They go deep into behavioral psychology and emotional management.
The Power of Rejection gives you hands-on practices that you can try immediately and apply the principles in life. It’s not just another piece of knowledge. It will let you take ACTION!
I am realistic that the course is not for everyone. So I’m okay with taking that rejection.
Especially Please Reject Me if You are……
Looking for chicken soup for the soul to feel better
Not going to take action following the course guideline
Not going to get rejected daily intentionally
Looking for the exact recipe to achieve your goal
However, if You Feel the Same Way Below, I Welcome You,
You are committed to trying, even if it’s way out of your comfort zone, to overcome the fear of rejection
You are willing to allow yourself to fail and feel bad and to get up and do it again
You understand this is a marathon, not a sprint. Every action you take leads you closer to your goal.
You are tired of hearing so-called advice and want to take action and find something that works.
You like Jia. :)
What You Will Learn in 30 Days
I’ve chopped rejection up into pieces and studied it by nanometres under a microscope. I’ve turned it inside and out. I’ve gone through the trials and errors, so you don’t have to. What I share with you is what works.
You will learn:
The true identity of Rejection - Myth busters for you to apply new perspectives and mindsets toward rejection
How to engage with Rejection - Research-backed ways to make rejection fun and interesting
How to make your request so you feel less awkward and minimize the chance of rejection
How to handle your doubts when they inevitably arise
How to acquire the mindsets and methods of giving rejection
My “Rejection Runway” method so you know exactly when to keep going vs. stop trying.
How to find meaning and value in rejection
“The Five Second Rule” to turn rejection into an advantage
How your mindset can change the outcome of rejection and what to do
Specific exercises and scripts to turn a “No” into a “Yes”
The Power of Rejection Includes:
27 digestible videos on rejections - psychology, framework, real-world examples, and exact words to use in receiving, giving, minimizing, and handling rejections.
30+ hands-on challenges to get rejected - Have trouble coming up with easy requests to get rejected? I will tell you the actions you can take to get rejected. No hard feelings, just fun to build up our mental muscles.
MAGIC sheet - Jia uses this tracker to track all actions he takes to achieve any goal he wants in life. He will show you how you can use it to track your rejection challenges.
People are Changing their Lives using the Power of Rejection
Being rejected in this instance was nothing to do with us or our ability as an agency, or indeed my ability as a business owner. It was all about the other business and their decision to use another agency. It just wasn’t meant to be. And in fact it was a positive thing that they chose the other agency who was a better fit. Who knows, they could have turned out to be a difficult client due to the difficult fit between our business and theirs. Because of Jia, I’m learning to embrace rejection more now, and dare I say, actually enjoy being rejected now. We’ve learned as a business it’s so important to work with the right people, and not work with the wrong people.”
Chis from England
Once I shifted my mindset, I started putting in more work on improving my speech/pronunciation, writing better resumes, and accepting change. Slowly but surely, things got better, I found a job and got accepted into a university.
Andrada S., Student (Miami, USA)
Instead of fearing the dreaded no and feeling defeated in answering my call to serve others, I changed my internal script to what if they said yes and I could honor my desire to make an impact? Not only did I get a meeting, but I also received much more. I accepted an assignment to write a class proposal, create a course description, and fill out and sign a paid contract to teach!
Linda T., Executive Coach
My Guarantee: Try the Power of Rejection for a Full 30 Days, 100% Risk-Free
You will get on an exciting journey with rejection in the next 30 days. I will be with you every step along the way. I want you to fully embrace rejection and fall in love with it. Complete the entire course. If, in the end, you don’t find it helpful, I will give you your money back. All you need to do is email me to say, “Jia, those methodologies don’t work.” and show me that you’ve done the challenges. By the way, this is only applicable for the course, coaching sessions are not refundable.
Frequently Asked Questions
“How does the course work exactly? Do I need to be in person with other students?”
The Power of Rejection is an online video course. You can watch it at your own pace. You can choose to finish all videos at once, but I recommend you do it once a day. Most importantly, do the daily challenge. That’s how you internalize the learning and apply it to real life. These challenges do require you to interact with real people.
“How is this course different from everything else on the market?”
I was once in your shoes! I was skeptical that the webinars, courses, or talks would work, and all they want is just my money. I still paid tens of thousands as I really needed to overcome my fears; truth be told, they didn’t work. And then finally something worked! My own methods! That’s what I will share with you.
“How soon can I see the difference?”
This is a critical question, and I like it a lot. It’s not asking how soon I can achieve my goal - get a raise, a new job, an investment, or a committed relationship. All these are end results that are out of our control. What we can control is our effort. As long as you watch the videos daily and complete the challenges, I guarantee you will notice the difference in your mindset and attitudes towards rejection in no time. People typically say within a week.
“Can I access the course after 30 days?”
Yes, you can view the course for a lifetime. Actually, I recommend you do that because just like the body muscles fade away if we don’t exercise, our rejection muscles will become weak if we don’t keep practicing.

The Power of Rejection Course
Transform your fear of rejection into a superpower in just 30 days!
What You Get:
27 Comprehensive Videos: Dive deep into the psychology and strategies of overcoming rejection with Jia Jiang, the bestselling author of Rejection Proof and TED speaker.
MAGIC Sheet for Rejection Therapy: Track your progress and actions with the same tool Jia uses to achieve his goals.
Why Choose This Course?
Proven Methodology: Learn from Jia’s personal journey and extensive research on rejection.
Action-Oriented: This course is not just about learning; it's about doing. Apply the principles immediately with hands-on challenges.
Lifetime Access: Watch the videos at your own pace and revisit them whenever you need a confidence boost.
30-Day 100% Risk-Free Guarantee
Why Now?
You might be wondering: This sounds great. I will do it one of these days. This is a very reasonable reaction. But allow me to scream in your ears, “Seriously?! After all the regrets, tears, beating yourself up, nail-biting and dreams shattered, you want to push it off till another day?”
You can slice and dice people into different categories. To me, there are two types of people in the world - those who take action and those who don’t.
Those who take action turn knowledge into changes. They not only take proactive measures to learn but put them into practice. They take control of their life. They don’t let rejections define them. Even if they fail, they say, “At least I tried, and I will try again.”
Those who don’t take action live in their own world. They pretend everything is going okay, but deep down, they are becoming the version they resent. They keep wondering, “What if I have done that? My life would’ve been very different.” Well, don’t let those “what if” regrets and rejections define you!
The choice is yours! I’m putting myself out there to invite you to join me in this course. The opportunity is now. You can change the way you live now. You don’t need to live with the fear of rejection now.
Just do it.
Enroll Now and Start Your Transformation.
Enroll Now and Start Your Transformation.
If you have any questions or concerns about the course, email my team at team@dareme.com.