About Me

Entrepreneur, Blogger, Author, Speaker

Hello, I’m Jia Jiang (pronounced Jah Jahng). I’m an entrepreneur, blogger, TED speaker and an author. You can dig into the details of my story of entrepreneurship and my immersion into the positive lessons of rejection by clicking on the links at the bottom of the page.

Rejection Therapy started as a card game designed by Canadian entrepreneur Jason Comely. It was later acquired by me. Now it is home to my personal blog as well as products and services to help you become fearless. Its scope and intent are wide: I invite you to join me in this amazing, transformative world of triumph over fear. My journey has revealed that the stings and slights of rejection are universal among us as humans, but that with conscious intent we can turn rejection into enterprise, insult into ambition, and regret into courage.

My research has made several things clear:

  • The world of rejection is a place where the fears from such snubs are much more destructive than we knew
  • However, with insight, rejection can be much less painful than we believed
  • And, that people are much kinder than we ever imagined

This is a world that was hidden in plain sight — join me to examine it closely, and to learn its worthy lessons. This work is ongoing — help me to illustrate the insights.

Join me to build and expand this world — one without the fear of rejection. Knowing how to turn rejection’s darkness into inspiration’s light can help us fulfill more dreams, realize our cherished ideas and write more love stories — starting with our own.

Join Me:

  1. Subscribe to my blog. You’ll receive the most up-to-date stories, applications of story insights and latest rejection-busting experiences in your mailbox.
  2. Share this page with your loved ones, friends, neighbors, and colleagues. It can change their world.

But enough about me! Rejection Therapy is your chance to bust your fear and start your own amazing journey!

Download Jia's press kit for more information: 

Media Links

Contact Jia with your questions and opportunities:

Talk at Google: "Why Rejection is Awesome"