The 30-Day Rejection Therapy Camps

Jia personally designed the Rejection Therapy Camps to help you:

  • Achieve your goal while defeating your fear of rejection

  • Become your best

  • Leave your mark

On Monday of each week, a new camp cohort will start. Jia will ask you to set input-based goals, then text him your actions before a deadline every day. He and his team will hold you accountable and record your progress. If you follow through, you will not only desensitize the pain of rejection but also work towards the goal you’ve always wanted but held back because of your fear.

The camp includes:

  • The best accountability tool on the Internet - your daily check-in with Jia over SMS texts

  • Progress reporting on the rejection attempts you do every day

  • A community for ideas and inspirations - like-minded campers to support and encourage each other

Rejection Therapy for Sales Camp

This camp helps you get to the rhythm of making cold calls, reaching out to past clients, and generating new leads. If you are in sales, you will want to join the camp to get a boost while having fun.

Action - text me if you’ve reached out to at least one potential lead that day

Daily text deadline - Midnight

Achievement levels: Master: 28 days | Great: 24 days | Good: 18 days | Beginner: 12 days

Rejection Therapy for Job Search

This camp helps you establish the habit of reaching out to employers every day. The key to finding a job, especially your dream job is not to submit your resume but to do informational interviews and build relationships. You need to reach out to a lot of people!

Action - text me if you’ve reached out to at least one person at your target company that day

Daily text deadline - Midnight

Achievement levels: Master: 28 days | Great: 24 days | Good: 18 days | Beginner: 12 days

Rejection Therapy for Love

This camp helps you find your partner in life. There are many ways to find THE ONE for you. One thing that will not work is to hide yourself and avoid rejections. Rejection is part of the process of seeking true love!

Action - text me if you’ve reached out to at least one person that day

Daily text deadline - Midnight

Achievement levels: Master: 28 days | Great: 24 days | Good: 18 days | Beginner: 12 days


What Campers Say